Hō'listik Mind & Body

NAET / JMT Energy Balancing

A non-invasive way to harmonize your body with things in your environment or substances you ingest. When your body’s energy is out of balance it can result in many different uncomfortable symptoms.  NAET is an effective way to get you feeling better fast.

Visit for more details – www.naet.com
Visit for more details – www.jmttechnique.com

Psych-K Subconscious Retraining

Psych-K is an easy way to change your beliefs at a sub-conscious level.  Negative beliefs result in negative emotions and stress.  Rewrite the software of your mind in order to change the printout of your life.

Visit for more details – www.psych-k.com

IMAET Biofeedback

The IMAET system is a computerized biofeedback procedure and relaxation management instrument. It helps to harmonize the body and eliminate stress, creating a sense of wellness and balance, allowing for healing to occur.

Visit for more details – www.IMAET.com

NES Health Bioenergetics

A scanning technology that helps assess and correct the body’s energy and communication system providing a holistic wellness report in just seconds. This approach looks for the underlying issues to address health concerns from their roots with their bioenergetics solutions improving the body’s own ability to heal and restore itself back to health.

It recommends liquid remedies based on the scan to help optimize the body-fields energy levels and information flow, so that proper communication takes place in the body’s energy system.

Visit for more details –: www.neshealth.com

NES miHealth

The NES miHealth is a powerful hand-held biofeedback device that is non-invasive and effective for reducing stress and re-educating energy flow to support and stimulate the body’s innate healing abilities. This device is also an incredible, non-emergency resource for those with muscle and joint soreness and injuries. The miHealth combines the best of several renowned health technologies such as biofeedback, TENS, PEMF, SCENAR and improves on them.
Visit for more details: https://www.neshealth.com/en/nes-mihealth/ 

Sonix Whole Body Vibration

Digital Sonic Whole Body Vibration uses soundwave vibrations to stimulate the nearly 100 trillion cells in the body simultaneously! This also helps stimulate the lymphatic system aiding in detoxification.

In addition, we add a sound frequency software into your Sonix Therapy that can relax your body, encourage cellular harmony and create soothing, healing movement of energy throughout the body.

Visit for more details –: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boLZ41Ybm8U&t

Oxygen Therapy

This therapy is added to a Sonix Treatment. By inhaling pure oxygen while engaging in exercise, research has shown that we can increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the red blood cells and the plasma. It has been proven to decrease inflammation, stimulate the immune system, increase mental performance, and promote healing in the body.

Pulse PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field)

Pulse PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) technology, is a revolutionary wellness modality that involves the use of electromagnetic fields with varying frequencies and intensities to stimulate cells and tissues in the body. This stimulation promotes the body’s own healing mechanisms and increases wellness by improving cellular function, circulation, and reducing inflammation.

The earth emits a pulsing electromagnetic field at 7.8 hertz. This natural energy field, combined with around 8 million global lightning strikes per day, allows our planet to sustain life. Much like the earth, our bodies are electromagnetic; our brains use electromagnetic signals to communicate with every bodily system. Science has proven that if our cells have enough electrical charge, the body will heal itself![15]

Pulse PEMF devices generate pulsed electromagnetic fields that infuses the body with natural energy at the cellular level. The body may use that energy to:

  • Heal from injuries
  • Aide in post-surgical recovery
  • Increase energy
  • Increase blood circulation
  • Speed up healing from athletic injuries or muscle fatigue after exercise
  • Improve sleep
  • Aide recovery after traumatic brain Injury or concussion
  • Post-partum recovery for pelvic floor
  • Nerve pain
  • Detoxification
  • Osteoporosis, strengthening bone density.
  • Speeding up broken bone healing
  • Endurance
  • Overall wellness

PEMF is trusted worldwide to support the body’s natural healing and regulating abilities.

For more information visit pulsePEMF.com

Far Infrared Sauna

Far infrared sauna uses light to create heat. A traditional sauna uses heat to warm the air, which in turn warms your body. An infrared sauna heats your body directly using light which penetrates deeper allowing for more efficient toxin removal. Our bodies are bombarded with toxins in our environment, food, water and medications. To keep our bodies healthy, we need to clean it out!